Archives for May 2013

Episode 25 – Building Family Unity Finale

Listen to our final show on building family unity.  We discuss the importance of adding more and more freedoms for your children as a means to building unity.  Family traditions and rituals are also discussed as important factors in creating unity at home.  How have you been able to increase family unity in your homes?  Please share.  God bless you all!

Episode 24 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Building Family Unity Continued

Listen as we continue to discuss practical ways that you can implement tomorrow that will help build unity in your family.

Episode 23 – Building Unity in Your Family

During this podcast, we discuss how understanding the Mystery of Parenthood can help to build family unity.  Listen for practical tips that can be applied today in your family that will build unity and for the theology behind those tips – the Mystery of Parenthood.

Episode 22 – Mothers, Old Maids, the Church, and the Mystery of Parenthood

In this episode, we discuss Pope Francis’s call to be mothers and not “old maids”, the implications of that call for the family as the Domestic Church and for the Mystery of Parenthood.

Episode 21 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Laundromats, the Holy Family, TOB, and Parenting

Who would ever think that Mystery of Parenthood could fit all of the following into one show?  Pope Francis, Laundromats, and Confession; St. Joseph and the Holy Family; and Theology of the Body and Parenting.  Check it out.