Episode 32 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Laying the Groundwork for “THE TALK”

family2Listen as we discuss laying the groundwork in the early years of parenthood for having “THE TALK” so that we can have a fruitful discussion about authentically Christian human sexuality with our children when appropriate.

God’s To Do List

I am continuing my reading through Acts today and 11:17 struck this chord in me….”How many times do I stand in God’s way?”  Peter was justifying his conduct with the gentiles, whom he had just baptized, to the apostles and brothers in Judea. Basically, he was explaining why he had acted the way he did and in verse 17 comes to the realization that “God was giving them the identical gift he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; and who was I to stand in God’s way?”  Although, I have never baptized anyone, or even more, had to justify why I baptized someone, those words “who was I to stand in God’s way” jumped out at me like a 4th of July rocket!!  I try to be open to God’s will, His plan for my life but I always have a running to do list – my agenda for the day!  I, many times, get annoyed or frustrated when I’m trying to neatly check off my tasks and life gets in the way – someone needs to eat; or someone has a scrape or cut and needs a bandaid; or someone is trying to make a slumber party plan, etc.  You get the picture.  I mean, after all, my to do list is usually not for me!!  It’s getting those clothes washed and folded, unpacking boxes from a move that happened one year ago or organizing our homeschool library!  I’ve always said that God could be found in the interruptions in my day – that is God’s to do list – that’s where His will is for me – so am I annoying God?

Lord, let me see you in ALL that I do today.  Give me the grace to be truly present with those around me.  To do lists come and go, but memories with my family will last forever!  Help me to be more like Mary and less like Martha and “choose the better part” (Luke 10:39-42), even if it’s NOT on my to do list.  Let me DO your list!!

Episode 27 – Setting Your Family Ablaze – Relationships and Evangelization

family2We discuss dealing with family and friends that may allow your child to watch objectionable material.  We also discuss how to decide on whether to allow your child to watch a particular movie using resources like www.decentfilms.com and www.pluggedin.com.  We end the show discussing the need for and importance of strong relationships in setting your family on fire in order that the world might see your good works and give glory to God.  Enjoy.

Episode 26 – Setting Your Family Ablaze: 4 Keys to Enkindling God’s Gifts in our Homes – Part 1

God provides us with many gifts – Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Church, the Faith, the Sacraments, our children, etc., etc..  We must receive them and then stir them into a flame so that our light might so shine before men and those who see the flame may give glory to God.  Using the acronym and the image Fire, we discuss the first two letters of the acronym – F for Faith and I for Integration – and their importance in setting our homes ablaze. In today’s show,we discuss practical ways of conveying both faith in Jesus and faith in the faith He has revealed through everyday occurrences.  We also discuss how and why we, as parents, must integrate our beliefs into everyday life – that is, how and why we must live our faith openly.

Episode 25 – Building Family Unity Finale

Listen to our final show on building family unity.  We discuss the importance of adding more and more freedoms for your children as a means to building unity.  Family traditions and rituals are also discussed as important factors in creating unity at home.  How have you been able to increase family unity in your homes?  Please share.  God bless you all!

Episode 24 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Building Family Unity Continued

Listen as we continue to discuss practical ways that you can implement tomorrow that will help build unity in your family.

Episode 23 – Building Unity in Your Family

During this podcast, we discuss how understanding the Mystery of Parenthood can help to build family unity.  Listen for practical tips that can be applied today in your family that will build unity and for the theology behind those tips – the Mystery of Parenthood.

Episode 22 – Mothers, Old Maids, the Church, and the Mystery of Parenthood

In this episode, we discuss Pope Francis’s call to be mothers and not “old maids”, the implications of that call for the family as the Domestic Church and for the Mystery of Parenthood.

Episode 21 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Laundromats, the Holy Family, TOB, and Parenting

Who would ever think that Mystery of Parenthood could fit all of the following into one show?  Pope Francis, Laundromats, and Confession; St. Joseph and the Holy Family; and Theology of the Body and Parenting.  Check it out.

Podcast – Mystery of Parenthood – Introductory Show

Listen to one of our first radio shows ever.  It addresses the Vision for and the Action associated with Mystery of Parenthood – being and recognizing the visible signs and the invisible realities present in marriage, family-life, and parenting while trusting in God’s power, His Grace to empower us to be those signs and see those invisible realities in ordinary daily events.  Learn how to teach your children about Truth and Love using current secular TV programs like American Idol.