Discipline and Being a Disciplinarian

Trey was a guest on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air this morning discussing “discipline”.  You can listen to the interview by going to Relevant Radio and finding the archives for Morning Air.  He was on from 6:30 to 6:50 am CST.  To see an overview of this topic in a written format, check out our new post over at Catholic New Media.  God bless.


Mystery of Parenthood Podcast Re-release – Parenting in the Funnel

This is a re-release of our podcast on Parenting in the Funnel.  We discuss practical ways to balance freedom and limits in raising children.  This balance is a key to living out the mystery of parenthood and to preparing our children to leave home ready to enter this world and impact our culture.  God bless!family2

Episode 25 – Building Family Unity Finale

Listen to our final show on building family unity.  We discuss the importance of adding more and more freedoms for your children as a means to building unity.  Family traditions and rituals are also discussed as important factors in creating unity at home.  How have you been able to increase family unity in your homes?  Please share.  God bless you all!

Episode 24 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Building Family Unity Continued

Listen as we continue to discuss practical ways that you can implement tomorrow that will help build unity in your family.

Episode 23 – Building Unity in Your Family

During this podcast, we discuss how understanding the Mystery of Parenthood can help to build family unity.  Listen for practical tips that can be applied today in your family that will build unity and for the theology behind those tips – the Mystery of Parenthood.

Episode 21 – Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Laundromats, the Holy Family, TOB, and Parenting

Who would ever think that Mystery of Parenthood could fit all of the following into one show?  Pope Francis, Laundromats, and Confession; St. Joseph and the Holy Family; and Theology of the Body and Parenting.  Check it out.

Mystery of Parenthood Podcast – Parenting in the Funnel

Listen to our Mystery of Parenthood radio show when the two of us discussed Parenting in the Funnel.  We have received many requests to have this show made into a podcast due to its practical applications throughout the parenting process.  We hope you enjoy it!

Listen to our Relevant Radio Interview:

Listen now!
‘Parenting in the Funnel’ by Trey Cashion

Or, download the mp3:
Parenting in the Funnel

Parenting in the Funnel

One way of being a way of being a sign of God to our children is to “Parent in the Funnel” .  This involves teaching our children about and setting limits for our children over time.  It also involves teaching our children about authentic freedom.  Freedom is the ability to do what one ought to do.  In fact, Blessed John Paul II, said that true freedom is doing what one wants to do when they are doing what they ought to do.  It is integrity.  It is not license.  Parenting in the Funnel involves moving your children (in a way similar to how God desires to move us) from limits and boundaries towards increasingly greater freedom that ultimately includes their setting their own limits and boundaries.  To a place where St. Augustine can say, “Love and do what you will.”  Parents, in doing this, are actually mirroring God’s move over time from limits, i.e. Thou Shalt Nots, to a New Testament fulfillment of using freedom to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  The Mystery of Parenthood is at least, in part, being a sign of God to our children.  Parenting in the funnel helps us to be this sign.

Today, Freedom is often equated with license – doing whatever one wants to do.  That could not be farther from the truth as revealed in and through the Christian faith.  Freedom is for love – self-gift, it is for truth, it is for God, and it is for neighbor.  It is for someone or something.  It is not an end in itself.  We need to help our children understand this great truth in order that they can live a full, conscious, and active life that is inspired by truth and love and is inspirational to those who see them live it out.  This world needs people like this.  It needs saints.  In fact, saints show us this great truth about freedom and it’s link to one’s finding themselves through freely giving themselves even if it costs them something, even if it costs them their lives.  In this current environment of relativism where truth is defined by the individual on a subjective basis – i.e., what’s true for me may not be true for you, we need people who know that objective truth exists, that freedom is meant for seeking, finding, and following that truth and that happiness is found in using freedom for that purpose.  Parents need to embrace the great honor they’ve been given to help form their children and themselves in this frequently forgotten truth, particularly in this age of relativism.